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Our Orchestra Nowadays


Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra was established in 1976 by a group of international musicians living in Hong Kong.  Nowadays our players consist of professional musicians graduated from local and overseas music academies and universities, professional music teachers, and experienced musicians.  As a non-profit making orchestra aiming at promoting music, we usually give free admissions to smaller concerts to music lovers whenever budget allows.  Our musicians enjoy the freedom in choosing our repertoire without commercial burden, and perform music which may not be popularly known but still musically interesting.

We have a wide coverage of repertoire from the baroque to the romantic period, from chamber work such as quartets and sextets, to small ensemble such as Bach Cantatas, Haydn and Mozart work, to larger scale symphonic work such as Brahms and Verdi.  At times, we commission work from home-grown local composers.  We also gave the Hong Kong premiere of Richard Strauss’ Metamorphosen in June 2005.

We enjoy collaboration with local and overseas musicians who share similar objectives of ours.  Previous exciting engagements include Siam Philharmonic, Malaysian conductor Eugene Pook, soprano Nancy Yuen, and pianist Stephen Hung.

香港室樂團是由一群居港的外籍音樂演奏者於一九七六年創立。 時至今日,樂團成員已包括本地和外國主修音樂演奏的專業樂手、專業音樂老師和有豐富經驗的樂手。 作為一個非牟利團體,樂團致力推動普及本地音樂文化。香港室樂團常在經費許可下舉辨小型免費音樂會; 在沒有票房壓力的情況下,樂手亦能演奏悦耳卻又不常接觸的曲目。

香港室樂團的曲目廣泛,包括由巴洛克至浪漫時期的大小型制式的管弦樂及室樂,如巴哈的清唱劇、海頓和莫扎特的作品、布拉姆斯和威爾弟的大型交響作品。 樂團偶然亦會演奏一些本地作曲家的作品。樂團曾於2005年在香港首演理查‧斯史特勞斯著名的廿三件獨奏弦樂作品《變形》。


HKCO 2016 Harty3

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